
Measuring the Effects of Stewardship Activities and ESG Investment Project

It takes a long time for stewardship activities and ESG investment to produce tangible results such as improving the sustainability of financial markets and boosting risk-adjusted returns. Therefore, to appropriately implement the PDCA cycle (Plan→Do→Check→Act) for stewardship activities and ESG investment, it is crucial to examine issues such as whether GPIF's activities are connected with companies' behavioral changes and higher ESG ratings, including causal effect between the two, as a first step, without waiting for eventual outcomes such as more sustainable financial markets and higher boosting of risk-adjusted returns.

After the elapse of an appropriate period for data accumulation since the start of our stewardship and ESG investment initiatives, we will collaborate with external consultants and researchers from academia and elsewhere to implement a review of the effects of these initiatives using statistical methods such as causal inference, across each of the four themes shown below.

Through the appropriate implementation of the PDCA cycle, we will continue to improve and revise our stewardship and ESG investment initiatives.

Measuring the effects of stewardship activities

Project theme Specific content Project results
(1)Evaluation of the effcts of engagement Study on the causation between the engagement and improvement of ESG performance / corporate value
(2)Analysis of the exercise of voting rights by investment managers Trend analysis in voting behavior differences for companies with which they have a potential conflict of interest and other investee companies To be published in FY2025

Measuring the effects of ESG investment

Project theme Specific content Project results
(1)Study on ESG factors contributing to the improvement of corporate value and investment return Study on causation between ESG factors and improvement in corporate value/ investment return To be published in FY2024
(2)Evaluation of the effects of passive equity investment based on ESG indexes Analysis of the effects of ESG investment on corporate behavior To be published in FY2025

*The specific analysis content may change as a result of further consideration.